Help Us!

Help Us

First, pray for us. That the Lord will give us songs to bless his heart and to edify his Church. That we will have wisdom and the guidance of the Holy Spirit. That our music be anointed to the glory of Christ.

Second, please consider a donation. We do not charge for the use of our music, hoping that churches will be blessed by it and use it freely. We have more to share with you. But we pay to have Tyler's piano arrangements transcribed. And we pay for the site. We can bring what we have to you more quickly and with increasing professionalism if you help us out. 

The Church of the Redeemer has agreed to accept your tax-deductible gifts on our behalf. Send a check payable to The Church of the Redeemer with "RedeemerSongs" in the memo line. The writers won't get paid; all contributions will be used to further the work.  

The Church of the Redeemer
PO Box 2511 Wilson, NC  27896.

Our writers seek to "worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness" and to bring forth
the fruit of that worship to help your parish and to encourage you in your own life in Christ.

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